The University of Patras Gravitational Waves group works on Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics and fundamental Physics. Our research focuses on compact objects studying the evolution of their magnetic field, their magnetospheres and the creation of jets, as well as the stochastic and quantum backgrounds of gravitational radiation. Regarding compact stars, we have studied the interaction of the magnetospheres of double neutron stars and the electromagnetic signals anticipated from such sources well before coalescence. Furthermore, we have studied the magnetic field evolution of these sources, finding that their magnetic field may become highly tangled, a structure that can be associated with mountains and generate gravitational waves from isolated, strongly magnetised neutron stars. A stochastic gravitational background can be a source of decoherence in quantum systems, with important implications for fundamental Physics and allow for the distinction of the prediction of different quantum gravity theories.
Our group is an Associate Member of LISA Consortium.